Seit 2021 internationales Netzwerk Gesundheitsdidaktik
Seit 2021 Mitglied des internationalen Netzwerks “Gesundheitsdidaktik” unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. K. Hurrelmann
Gründung eines Gesundheits-Netzwerkes im März 2020

Gründung des Netzwerks für „Praktiker.innen in außermedizinischen Heilberufen“ (PranamH) mit regelmäßigen Fortbildungen
Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board since 2017

Member of the International Scientific Advisory Board since 2017
at the Nanjing University, Nanjing, P.R. of China (UNESCO-Chair on Peace Studies, Chairholder: Prof. Dr. Liu Cheng, Nanjing; Advisory
Professor: Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Egon Spiegel, Germany/Poland)
Lecturer in Dresden 2014/15
Lecturer at the International University of Dresden
Lecturer in Basel 2014/15
Lecturer at the University of Basel
Research Stay 2012/2013

Academic discourse and research stay in China and USA
Professor in Karlsruhe since WS 2008/09

Professor for general educational sciences / focus on health formation at the University of Education in Karlsruhe
Professor in Vechta WS 2002/03- SS 2008

University professor for general educational sciences at the University of Vechta
Lecturer in Heidelberg WS 2002/03

Lecturer at the Ruprecht Karls University of Heidelberg
Lecturer in Zurich WS 2001/02
Lecturer at the University of Zurich
Lecturer in Frankfurt 2000

Lecturer at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main
Representative of the Professorship from WS 2000 to SS 2002
Representative of the professorship for general educational sciences at the University of Vechta
Habilitation 1999
Habilitation at the Humboldt University of Berlin;
Venia Legendi in educational sciences
Habilitation Scholarship Recipient 1995-1997
Habilitation scholarship recipient of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Research Stays 1995/1999

Research stays in USA and Taiwan
Lecturer in Berlin 1995-1999
Lecturer at the Humboldt University of Berlin
Doctorate in 1990
Doctorate and title Dr. phil.
Scientific Associate in 1989-1994
Scientific associate at the institute for general and comparative educational sciences at the Free University of Berlin
Postgraduate Studies 1986-1989
Aufbaustudium zur Promotion im Fach Erziehungswissenschaft; Promotionsstipendiatin des Landes Berlin (NaföG)
Magister Artium 1986
Graduated as Magister Artium (M. A.)
Degree Course in 1981-1986
Degree course in educational sciences, psychology and sociology at the Free University of Berlin.