Health Science


Support „Educational science, medical field, health sciences“ (Since 2002)

Fundamentals of a reflexive health education (Since 2006)

  • Stroß, A.M.: Reflexive Gesund­heitspädagogik. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge – Erzie­hungs­­wissen­schaftliche Perspektiven, Münster u.a. 2009. (Flyer)

In progress

Processes of professionalizations through work on the myth of “health” (Project application under way)


Collection of source material on the history of health education (Duration: 1996-1998)

Educational science and medical field: Scientific and profession relations from the 18th century to the end of the Weimarer period (Duration: 1996-2000)

  • Stroß, A.M.: Pädagogik und Medizin: Ihre Beziehungen in ‚Gesundheitserziehung‘ und wissenschaftlicher Pädagogik 1779-1933, Weinheim 2000. (Inhaltsverzeichnis)